301 S Bedford St., Madison WI

Category: Health – colds and flu

The fear of October!!!! hah hah hah

Acupuncture and colds/the flu It’s happening. Just like it does every autumn. And there is something that you can do about it. You don’t have to be sick. But you can’t just ignore the reality that this is the time of year when people flu and colds than the warm summer. You have to fight…
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What are you doing to stay healthy? Stop the cold and flu NOW.

It’s time to get to the point. 🙂 Here it is, close to the middle of February. The winter has been mild from a weather perspective. How has it been for your health? There have been colds, respiratory flus, and gastrointestinal flus ‘going around’ the Madison area this winter. Have you managed to steer clear…
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Multi-tasking and acupuncture?

Did you know that when you come in for acupuncture, you can actually take care of more than one issue? Some people say, – “You really helped my cold. Can you do anything about my friend’s back pain?” –or- – “I know you helped my cramps; it didn’t occur to me that you could help…
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Changing Times; Changing Seasons

What does this time of year mean to you? For some, it is a delicious transition into autumn. For some, it is the sad end of a care-free summer. For others, it is just time to get back to work. Any way you look at it, it is the time of a seasonal change, from…
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What can you do about a little cold?

Ah yes. Here in Wisconsin, we are having more than a little cold – weather, that is. And with this cold weather, people are getting colds – colds that bother their sinuses, their heads, their throats, or even their lungs. This is not a way to enjoy the brisk weather! I was talking with a…
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Brrrrh! It’s cold outside! Getting better with acupuncture and the Winter Cold/ Flu

Oh no! You’re sick! Your immune system wasn’t strong enough to fight off the bacteria or virus that made you sick. What do you do now? Acupuncture and Chinese herbs can have a tremendous impact on treating colds, coughs, and fevers. Symptoms ease and go away, energy is improved, and breathing is better with acupuncture.…
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Brrrrh! It’s cold outside! Staying healthy with acupuncture and Chinese herbs

The weather is getting cooler and sweaters are coming out of the drawers. As we prepare for the approach of winter, it is also time to pay attention to our health. These days we have a heightened awareness of influenza and its possible risks to our health. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs can help keep you…
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