301 S Bedford St., Madison WI

What can you do about a little cold?

What can you do about a little cold?

Ah yes. Here in Wisconsin, we are having more than a little cold – weather, that is. And with this cold weather, people are getting colds – colds that bother their sinuses, their heads, their throats, or even their lungs. This is not a way to enjoy the brisk weather!

I was talking with a friend the other day who was starting to get a little cold, again, after her young son cheerfully brought it home from school. She gets sick for a few days almost every time this happens. This particular time, I gave her some Chinese herbs to take. Ok, she was skeptical. But she figured it wouldn’t make things much worse, so she tried them. The very next day, she said that she was feeling much better.

You too can have some Chinese herbs to take at the early signs of a cold. Come see me. We can sort out what herbs might be most useful for you so that when a cold begins to appear, you can immediately address it.

Don’t forget that Vitamin D is another part of your self care for fighting colds and flu. You should be taking at least 1000mg of Vitamin D every day. You need to get those little pills to get enough. There is some evidence that suggests that having a sufficient level of Vitamin D3 in your body can help to keep you healthy in flu season.