301 S Bedford St., Madison WI

Category: Health – emotions

What’s Stress Got to Do With It? Acupuncture and health

Stress is normal, isn’t it? We all have some and it’s really no big deal, right? The truth is, yes, it’s normal, and no, it really IS a big deal. We know how important stress is when we talk about bones. Without physical stress on our bodies (walking, lifting, weights), our bones will not stay…
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Are you stuck and can’t get out? No, not the acupuncture needle, silly.

Did you ever get stuck on something? You can’t stop smoking, you can’t stop drinking, you can’t stop taking those pills? Or you might be even ‘stuck’ emotionally. Addiction Did you know that acupuncture can be helpful in dealing with addiction? Did you know that Amy is a nationally certified specialist in acupuncture detoxification? She…
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Here it comes…..

Here it comes, a new year! Is it an exciting time for you? Do you have plans and hopes for the coming year? My hope for you is fun and joy. These are some big contributors to your fun and joy – good sleep, good exercise, and good mood. Sleep Remember to make time to…
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Emotional issues and acupuncture

How do we get help with problems that don’t have a clear-cut physical ‘cause?’ Western doctors don’t have anything to ‘fix.’ How can acupuncture and Chinese medicine help these kinds of problems? After all, western medicine sometimes cannot help. Sometimes we have physical issues that might be caused by, or just made worse by, our…
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